Welcome to the Breakthrough Blog!

Welcome fellow Breakthroughvians to our new blog!

Why a blog, you ask? What makes this different from any of our other work, you also ask? Well, our staff puts a lot of time into each of our articles and reports, and while that makes for top-quality research, it means we’re not always as current as we’d like.

Here, we’ll bring you short, pragmatic commentary on the news of the day as well as our thoughts on wicked problems of all stripes. Plus, you’ll hear from all of our experts with greater frequency and more freedom to explore their interests and ideas.

We’re admittedly a bit late to the blog game, but we’re confident you’ll find something that keeps you coming back.

Want to dive right in?

Our first post revisits the issue of rich nations imposing fossil fuel development bans on emerging economies, which BTI's Vijaya Ramachandran has called "Climate Colonialism."