Tom Blees
Author; President, Science Council for Global Initiatives
Tom Blees is the author of Prescription for the Planet - The Painless Remedy for Our Energy & Environmental Crises. He is the president of the Science Council for Global Initiatives, an international NGO dedicated to uplifting the standard of living of people in all nations while repairing our damaged environment. Many of the goals of SCGI, and the methods to achieve them, are elucidated in the pages of Blees's book. He is a member of the selection committee for the Global Energy Prize, considered Russia's equivalent of the Nobel Prize for energy research. Tom is also on the board of The World Energy Forum, a UN- & World Bank-affiliated organization whose goal of providing abundant energy for all mankind mirrors the purpose of SCGI. His work has generated considerable interest among scientists and political figures around the world. He has acted as a consultant and energy systems advisor to private industry and government from the local to the international level.
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