2023 Breakthrough Dialogue - Digital Experience
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Every year, the Breakthrough Institute invites policymakers, experts, journalists, and more from across the world to join together to tackle one big topic in climate politics and policy.
This year's them is "The Metabolic Rift". The notion of the metabolic rift owes its provenance to Marx, who described a disruption in the “metabolic interaction between man and the Earth.” But it speaks to foundational questions about humans and the earth that are arguably more contested today than they were in Marx’s time. Can high energy societies of billions be sustained? Can we survive the loss of biodiversity and build up of waste and pollution that industrial modernity has wrought? Does the human future depend upon maintaining fragile ecosystems or robust human capabilities to remake our environments?
We hope you’ll join us for a series of live-streamed panels focused around various debates around this topic. Read more about this year’s theme here.
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