Arnulf Grubler
Program Director and Senior Research Scholar, IIASA
Arnulf Grubler’s is a Senior Research Scholar and Acting Program Director of the Transitions to New Technologies Program at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. He also holds a part-time appointment as Professor in the Field of Energy and Technology at the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University. His research and teaching interests focus on the interplay between energy and technology systems and their implications on the environment, in particular on climate change. Both his research and teaching embrace a truly long-term view. He has studied major transitions in energy and technology systems that occurred during the last 300 years and is also an energy/environment futurist serving as lead author for the two major 100-year scenario studies available to date: The World Energy Council (WEC) study on Global Energy Perspectives and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios. His latest books include: Energizing Sustainable Cities, Earthscan 2013 (edited with David Fisk) and Energy Technology Innovation: Learning from Historical Successes and Failures, Cambridge University Press 2014 (edited with Charlie Wilson).
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