Katie Mummah
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin Madison
Katie Mummah is a Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physicsgraduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She works in the Computational Nuclear Engineering Research Group (CNERG) under Professor Paul Wilson.
All of Katie’s personal and professional work is driven by two of the largest problems facing our world today: climate change and nuclear weapons. While her research is focused directly on nuclear power, Katie also writes about the broader need to decarbonize our world and the promising strategies to do so.
Katie’s research interests revolve around the overlap between the nuclear fuel cycle, advanced reactors, nuclear nonproliferation, and computational science and engineering. Her goal is to ensure that the use of nuclear power remains peaceful around the world and that nuclear materials are kept safe and secure. She is deeply involved in the American Nuclear Society, including serving as the national student director on the ANS Board of Directors.
By Katie Mummah:
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