The EPA Must Update Its Nuclear Waste Disposal Standards
BTI and a Coalition of Organizations Support EPA Revisions

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The Breakthrough Institute and a coalition of organizations urge Congress to provide funding for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a modern, technology-neutral protection standard for future high-level nuclear waste disposal facilities, aligning U.S. standards with international practices.
As the federal government considers a geologic repository for high-level waste and commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF), it is imperative to first develop a new generic repository standard. This process is expected to take five to ten years and is crucial to avoid future delays and litigation. Given the extended timeframe for this action, it is imperative that the EPA starts now on the development of a modern standard for future repositories.
Current U.S. requirements for long-term nuclear waste repositories are outdated and inconsistent with modern international standards. Presently, SNF is stored onsite at nuclear reactors, even after they are decommissioned. Revising health and safety regulations is necessary before siting a new repository. The EPA has indicated that revising these regulations requires specific direction from Congress. Therefore, congressional action is needed to instruct and fund the EPA to begin this critical work.
Read our letter to congress HERE.