Adam Stein is the Director of the Nuclear Energy Innovation program at the Breakthrough Institute. His focus is on the technology, policy, risk, and economics of nuclear energy. He also studies complex interdisciplinary systems and decision-making in risk, resilience, and clean energy systems.
He has spent almost twenty years in the energy sector as an engineer, researcher, and consultant. His work has been published by the Electric Power Research Institute, presented to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and contributed to many high-profile projects, including the first-ever license application for an advanced nuclear reactor in the U.S.
Adam earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in Engineering and Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University where his research focused on changing the paradigm for emergency preparedness and response for nuclear facilities. Prior to studying at Carnegie Mellon, he completed an MBA from IUP, and studied Mechanical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh.
Music is another one of Adam’s passions. He is a percussionist and the Assistant Band Director for a local school district where he arranges and teaches music.
By Adam Stein:
Blog: The Need for NEM Reforms and the False Argument About the Cost of Diablo Canyon
Rooftop solar has in many ways been a clean energy success story in California. Generous tax credits and net metering —…
Closure of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant Increased Emissions in California by 37 Million Metric Tons of CO2e
Closing nuclear power plants consistently increase emissions. As momentum is building for California to reconsider the…
Comment on “Draft for the NRC’s Rulemaking on, Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors”
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is developing a new licensing framework for the deployment of advanced nuclear…