Yael Borofsky is a PhD candidate at ETH Zurich, where her interdisciplinary doctoral work is focused on subsidy targeting and public infrastructure in informal settlements, particularly in Cape Town, South Africa. Yael completed a dual master's degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning ('15) and in the Technology and Policy Program ('15), where she was a fellow in MIT's Tata Center for Technology and Design and the co-founder of e4Dev, an MIT Energy Initiative-sponsored discussion forum exploring issues at the intersection of energy and human development.
Previously, Yael worked as a researcher and instructor at the MIT Energy Initiative, a research assistant at the ETH Zurich NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation, a reporter at Technical.ly, and a Project Director and Associate Editor of the Breakthrough Journal. She received her bachelor of science in Human Development from Cornell University.
By Yael Borofsky:
What Comes After Cap and Trade?
Republican Scott Brown's upset victory over Democratic incumbent Martha Coakley for the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat…
Daily Breakthrough: Avatar, Eco-Paranoia, and Technology
UPDATE: Alternet and Buffalo Beast have both corrected their posts about Roger Pielke Jr. and Breakthrough and…
The End of "Developing Countries"
In 1992, at the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the nations of the world agreed that only developed…
Kerry-Boxer "Clean Energy Jobs" Bill’s Clean Energy Investments a Fraction of Expert Recommendations
The latest draft of the Kerry-Boxer "Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act" would invest less than $10 billion of…
Kerry-Boxer Carbon Price Will Remain at Price Floor According to First Modeling of Draft Bill
Initial modeling of the Kerry-Boxer climate bill (full text), the Senate sibling of the House-passed…
Only Technology Policy, Not More Targets and Timetables, Can Save Copenhagen
"Copenhagen climate talks are in trouble," say Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger in their new piece for the…
Blast from the Past: Romm’s Critique of the Waxman-Markey Blueprint
Here is Joseph Romm of ClimateProgress writing about the United States Climate Action Partnership proposal in January…
Jumpstarting a Clean Energy Revolution: A Gathering Global Consensus
Today, the United States faces a nation-defining challenge and opportunity - getting America running on clean energy.…