Yael Borofsky is a PhD candidate at ETH Zurich, where her interdisciplinary doctoral work is focused on subsidy targeting and public infrastructure in informal settlements, particularly in Cape Town, South Africa. Yael completed a dual master's degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning ('15) and in the Technology and Policy Program ('15), where she was a fellow in MIT's Tata Center for Technology and Design and the co-founder of e4Dev, an MIT Energy Initiative-sponsored discussion forum exploring issues at the intersection of energy and human development.
Previously, Yael worked as a researcher and instructor at the MIT Energy Initiative, a research assistant at the ETH Zurich NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation, a reporter at Technical.ly, and a Project Director and Associate Editor of the Breakthrough Journal. She received her bachelor of science in Human Development from Cornell University.
By Yael Borofsky:
Why Andrew Sullivan is Wrong About Obama
By Michael Burnam-FinkCross-posted from We Alone on Earth. Andrew Sullivan has been blowing up the internet with an…
Rethinking College Majors
I made a joke to my friend the other day that the lesson to take away from articles like this recent Economix blog…
Thoughts on the Future of the Creative Class
In 2002, it was easy to imagine that America's bright future could be realized in the minds of the so-called creative…
The Future of Pop Music and Youth Culture
Concerns that the US economy can no longer innovate seem to be trickling into the cultural realm. According to Grant…
What It Means to Forget on Facebook
This post has been cross-posted from my blog, Mneumozine, where I write about memory. It's odd that Facebook makes…
SOTU: In the Face of Spending Cuts, Making the Case for Investment in Innovation
Tonight, President Obama is prepared to call for renewed federal investment in infrastructure, research, education, and…
Atkinson: Investment in Innovation and Manufacturing Critical to US Clean Energy Competitiveness
Testifying before the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure, ITIF President and…
Correcting the Record on Waxman-Markey
John Harwood incorrectly stated that House-passed Waxman-Markey "would reduce carbon emissions by 17 percent from 2005…