Tyler Norris
James B. Duke Fellow, Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke
Tyler H. Norris is a Ph.D. student at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment, where his research focuses on electric power systems. He is an awardee of the university’s James B. Duke Fellowship and serves in the research group of Dr. Dalia Patino-Echeverri, Gendell Associate Professor of Energy Systems and Public Policy.
Norris brings over a decade of energy sector experience to his research. Most recently, he served as vice-president of development at Cypress Creek Renewables, a leading US independent renewable power producer. In addition to overseeing a multi-gigawatt portfolio of development-stage projects, in this capacity he regularly directed electricity simulation studies for use in regulatory proceedings.
Previously, he served as a director at S&P Global Platts, an international energy consultancy, where he developed power market forecasts for electric utilities and integrated majors. Prior to S&P, he was a special advisor at the US Department of Energy, where he designed technology commercialization programs.
By Tyler Norris:
Joe Romm’s Strategy to Lose the Clean Energy Race
Originally featured at the Huffington PostCross-posted at Grist.org On Monday, Joe Romm of Climate Progress publicly…
Climate Bill Analysis Part 19: ACES Could Align Economic Interests to Weaken Climate Legislation
This analysis was also covered in an op-ed at AlterNet. New analysis by the Breakthrough Institute concludes that the…
Climate Bill Analysis Part 17: ACES Allowance Allocation Update
The allowance allocation in the latest version of the American Clean Energy & Security Act (available here)…
Climate Bill Analysis, Part 6: Strategic Reserve May Allow "Cap" to Rise by 10 Percent
Every climate bill, in the U.S. and abroad, contains provisions limiting how high carbon prices established by the…
Joe Romm Tries to Shut Down Climate Bill Debate by Attacking Breakthrough Institute
Breakthrough Institute spent the past week analyzing the Waxman-Markey climate bill. We released several objective and…
Climate Bill Analysis, Part 5: Foreign Offsets Receive 2.5 Times More Money than U.S. Clean Energy
If all foreign offset provisions in the Waxman-Markey climate bill are used, the cap and trade regime would spend…
Climate Bill Analysis, Part 3: Key offset limit eliminated, increasing domestic offset use, lowering allowance prices
The original discussion draft of Waxman-Markey included a key provision that would have required domestic and…
Climate Bill Analysis, Part 1: Waxman-Markey Gives Nearly 5 Times More to Polluters than Clean Energy
The landmark Waxman-Markey 2009 American Clean Energy and Security Act was introduced in the House this afternoon (May…
Carl Pope Breaks With Traditional Climate Agenda
Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, said on a "Politics of Green" panel discussion this week in Denver…