Energy and Climate | Decarbonization
SOTU: In the Face of Spending Cuts, Making the Case for Investment in Innovation
Tonight, President Obama is prepared to call for renewed federal investment in infrastructure, research, education, and…
Why Climate Science Divides Us But Energy Technology Unites Us
Thank you very much. We'd like to start by thanking William Ott for inviting us to give this colloquium, which is an…
Green Jobs for Janitors: How Neoliberals, Green Keynesians Wrecked Obama’s Promise of a Clean Energy
An abridged version of this article appears in the October 28, 2010 print edition of The New Republic (and online…
Why Energy Efficiency May Not Decrease Energy Consumption
Growing empirical evidence that energy efficient technologies may drive greater energy consumption, not less, demands a…
Testimony: The Challenge of China’s Green Technology Policy
Breakthrough Institute Project Director Devon Swezey testified today before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review…
Clean Energy COMPETES: Strengthening Clean Energy Competitiveness through the America COMPETES Reauthorization
Originally at the New RepublicHaving passed the U.S. House of Representatives on May 28th, the America COMPETES…
Atkinson: Investment in Innovation and Manufacturing Critical to US Clean Energy Competitiveness
Testifying before the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure, ITIF President and…
Clearing the Clean Energy Innovation Threshold
The latest from the Brookings Institution's Mark Muro is a perfectly succinct summary of how one should judge the…
Senate Climate Bill Trio Scrapping Oil and Gasoline Fee?
[Update at end of post - 4/22/10 at 5:20 PST]According to several reports, the trio of senators leading the effort to…
“Jumpstarting a Clean Energy Revolution with a National Institutes of Energy” Report Overview
"Jumpstarting a Clean Energy Revolution with a National Institutes of Energy," a policy memo co-authored by the…