Alex Trembath is Deputy Director of the Breakthrough Institute. He helps manage Breakthrough’s research, network-building, and events.
He is the lead or coauthor of several Breakthrough publications, including Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud, Beyond Boom and Bustand Our High-Energy Planet. He is also co-editor of the book The Rightful Place of Science: Climate Pragmatism. His writing has been published bySlate, Issues in Science and Technology, the Boston Globe, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Forbes, Politico,Bloomberg, and elsewhere. His research and analysis have been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Bloomberg, Forbes, E&E News, CNN, and other major media outlets.
Alex also ran Breakthrough Generation, the Breakthrough Institute’s founding young scholars program, for 10 years.Alex is a member of the editorial board of Case Studies in the Environment and an advisor at Roots of Progress. He is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley where he received his Bachelor's in Environmental Economics and Policy.
Follow Alex @atrembath.
By Alex Trembath:
Interview with Alex Crawley, Former Program Director for the Energy Research and Development
Federal agencies played a leading role in the development of shale gas fracturing technologies, according to former…
Time to Move Beyond Clean Tech Boom and Bust: NYT
In yet another sign of a growing consensus in support of energy policies that prioritize innovation, the New York…