Generation Fellowship

Program Overview
Breakthrough Generation was the Breakthrough Institute's young leaders initiative, through which we trained and collaborated with the next generation of ecomodernist thinkers, writers, and scholars.
At Breakthrough, we believe paradigm shifts are a generational affair. Solving the world's major environmental and human development challenges will occur over decades and will not advance through old and outmoded forms of thinking and action. As we continue to host and expand the ecomodernist school of thought, Breakthrough is committed to investing in young thinkers and practitioners, who we believe can create a secure, prosperous, and ecologically vibrant future for all the world's inhabitants.
Every summer from June to August, we offer a small number of paid ($600 per week), highly competitive, ten-week fellowships to young professionals from around the world. The program is designed for graduating college seniors, young professionals, and students in the early stages of their post-graduate education.
Breakthrough Generation fellows join us in our Berkeley offices for a summer and remain a permanent part of our network in the pursuit of pragmatic solutions to the world's greatest challenges in the areas of energy, food and farming, human development, and the environment.
The first two weeks of the summer are dedicated to Breakthrough Bootcamp, an intellectual crash course involving intensive reading, writing, and an expert lecture series designed to provide a grounding in the broad-spectrum thinking that informs Breakthrough's policy agenda. Topics covered include modernization theory, social psychology, aspirational politics and philosophy, economics and innovation policy, and technology policy.
For the remainder of the fellowship, fellows work in small teams divided between the program areas: Climate & Energy, Food & Farming, or Cities. Supervised by research staff, fellows produce policy white papers, reports, and memos. Previous projects have been featured in The New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine, the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Harvard Law and Policy Journal, among others, as well as in Congressional testimony.
In addition to research and analysis, fellows attend the Breakthrough Dialogue — an opportunity to interact with the leading thinkers, writers, and scholars in the study of society and the environment — and additional talks, debates, and working groups within Breakthrough’s different program areas.
Alumni of the Breakthrough Generation program have gone on to work in academia, journalism, philanthropy, government, and low-carbon innovation and finance. Our fellows have gone on to work with Google, the World Economic Forum, Princeton, the Clean Air Task Force, the Property and Environment Research Center, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Third Way, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Energy for Growth Hub, and other leading institutions.
How To Apply
This is no longer an active program at Breakthrough Institute / We are no longer accepting applications
Past Fellows
Tyler Norris
James B. Duke Fellow, Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke
Mark Caine
Government Engagement Lead, Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution at World Economic Forum
Omaro Maseli
Master's Candidate, Sciences Po Paris and the University of Tokyo
Eric Kennedy
Associate Professor, Disaster and Emergency Management, York University
Nyla Khan
Jessica Dunn
Sam Brinton
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Waste Disposition, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy
Aishwarya Saxena
Abigail Eyram Sah
Kartikeya Singh
Deputy Director, Center for Strategic & International Studies
Jacqueline Ho
Yael Borofsky
PhD Candidate/Research Scientist, ETH Zurich
Emma Brush
Managing Editor of the Journal
Loren King
Shaiyra Devi
Joanna Calabrese
Arthur Yip
Jacob Fox
Helen Aki
Johanna Peace
Brian Sergi
PhD student, Engineering & Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
Alisha Fowler
Linus Blomqvist
PhD student, UCSB Bren School
Shawn Regan
Research Fellow, The Property and Environment Research Center
Crystal Yeh
Jessica Lovering
Energy for Growth Fellow
Jack Shaked
Rachel Young
Ph.D. Student
Aden Van Noppen
Marian Swain
Energy Policy Analyst, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Mark Nelson
Dina Abdulhadi
Christopher Gambino
Senior Natural Resource Analyst, Policy Analysis Group - University of Idaho
Aurelia Hillary
George Livingston
Jeff Kessler
Anaya Hall
Nassib Mugwanya
Sakhi Shah
Diana Kool
Xi Wang
Jameson McBride
Former Senior Climate and Energy Analyst
Jesse Jenkins
Postdoctoral Environmental Fellow, Harvard University
Rachel Barge
Ashley Lin
Devon Swezey
Global Energy Markets and Policy, Google
Juliana Williams
Oliver Kerr
James Burgess
Torrey Beek
Clean energy consultant
Jonathan Crowder
Matthew Stepp
Nora Ankrum
Patricia Levi
Luke Lavin
Alex Trembath
Deputy Director
Amy Meyer
Leigh Ewbank
Alexandra Tweedie
Lindsay Meisel
Daniel Spitzberg
Shawna Russo
Madeline Tyson
Erik Funkhouser
Lindsey Franklin
Sara Mansur
Nick Murray
Senior UX Designer - Data Products, Salesforce
Genevieve Bennett
Zbigniew Grabowski
Tom Keen
David Mitchell
Michael Burman-Fink
Max Luke
Consultant at National Economic Research Associates
Canaan Reeverts
Kinnari Shah
Nima Veiseh
William Oman
Adam Zemel
Chris Knight
Adam Rodrique
Ray Thornton
Suzanne Waldman
Researcher, Social Policy, Defence Research and Development Canada
Seigi Karasaki
PhD student, Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley
Matthew MacCaughey
Johannes Ackva
Saloni Shah
Food and Agriculture Analyst
Sebastian Dueñas Ocampo
Breakthrough Generation Fellow 2019; PhD Candidate
Precious Akanonu
Research Fellow, CSEA; 2019 Generation Fellow
Erik Olson
Climate and Energy Analyst
Ameila Tiemann
2019 Generation Fellow
Michael Lebwohl
2019 Generation Fellow
Nicole Soltis
2019 Generation Fellow
Nazanin Akrami
2020 Generation Fellow
Kehinde Abiodun
2020 Generation Fellow
Lauren Lutzke
2020 Generation Fellow
Andrew Fletcher
2020 Generation Fellow
Maya Anthony
2020 Generation Fellow
James Withrow
2020 Generation Fellow
Nnaemeka Odionye
2020 Generation Fellow