Jesse Jenkins is a postdoctoral Environmental Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and the Harvard University Center for the Environment, where he harnesses methods from operations research, electricity systems engineering, and applied economics to improve regulation, policy, and practice in the energy sector. He currently focuses on the rapidly evolving electricity sector, including the transition to zero-carbon power systems and the proliferation of distributed energy resources. Jesse completed a PhD in Engineering Systems (’18) and MS in Technology and Policy (’14) at MIT's Institute for Data Systems and Society. Jesse has published peer-reviewed papers in the journals Joule, The Energy Journal, Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, Applied Energy, Nuclear Technology, Energy Policy, and WIREs: Climate Change. His work has been supported by competitive fellowships from the National Science Foundation, MIT Energy Initiative, Martin Family Society for Fellows in Sustainability, and Harvard University Center for the Environment. Jesse has delivered invited testimony before the United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and his research has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, National Public Radio, and other media outlets. Jesse worked previously as a researcher at the MIT Energy Initiative, the Director of Energy and Climate Policy at the Breakthrough Institute, and a Policy and Research Associate at the Renewable Northwest Project. He also earned a BS in Computer and Information Science at the University of Oregon.
By Jesse Jenkins:
A CLEAR Look at the Cantwell-Collins Climate Bill, Part 1: Climate Goals
A new climate bill, introduced Friday by Senators Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Susan Collins (R-ME), would invest only a…
New "Tri-Partisan" Climate Framework Aims to Clear High Senate Hurdle
Promising "we can and will pass climate change and energy independence legislation this Congress," Senators John Kerry…
The Innovation Consensus: $15 Billion for Clean Energy R&D
$15 billion. That is the figure at the heart of a growing consensus of energy innovation experts, all calling for…
Kerry-Boxer "Clean Energy Jobs" Bill’s Clean Energy Investments a Fraction of Expert Recommendations
The latest draft of the Kerry-Boxer "Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act" would invest less than $10 billion of…
Kerry-Boxer Climate Bill Allowance Allocation Breakdown
Late Friday night, Senator Barbara Boxer's Environment and Public Works Committee released a new draft of the…
Kerry-Boxer Carbon Price Will Remain at Price Floor According to First Modeling of Draft Bill
Initial modeling of the Kerry-Boxer climate bill (full text), the Senate sibling of the House-passed…
National Institutes of Energy Needed to Fill Energy R&D Gap
Friday factoids time: The U.S. biomedical and pharmaceutical industry invests between 10-20 percent of revenues in…
Climate Bill Analysis Part 20: Over-Allocation of Pollution Permits Would Result in No Emissions Reductions
The large decline in U.S. emissions in 2008 and 2009 due to the economic recession ensures that if the House-passed…
Senator Brown, Leading Energy Think Tanks Push for More Research Investment and New National Institutes
Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and leading DC-based think tank Third Way are the latest political figures to issue a call…
Joe Romm’s Strategy to Lose the Clean Energy Race
Originally featured at the Huffington PostCross-posted at Grist.org On Monday, Joe Romm of Climate Progress publicly…
Climate Bill Analysis Part 18: Understanding EPA’s Analysis of the ACES Renewable Electricity Standards
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency projects renewable energy sources like wind, solar and biomass will generate…