Energy and Climate
Make clean energy cheap.
Access to affordable and reliable energy is absolutely essential for human development, but energy production takes a heavy toll on the environment. With demand for energy expected to grow for decades to come as developing nations emerge from poverty, substantial innovation into clean energy technologies will be necessary to achieve our ambitious goals for greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
Climate Bill Analysis, Part 5: Foreign Offsets Receive 2.5 Times More Money than U.S. Clean Energy
If all foreign offset provisions in the Waxman-Markey climate bill are used, the cap and trade regime would spend…
Climate Bill Analysis, Part 4: Emissions Cap May Let U.S. Emissions Continue to Rise Through 2030
[Updated 6/18/09 to more clearly explain and depict the potential banking of offsets.]At the heart of the nearly…
Climate Bill Analysis, Part 3: Key offset limit eliminated, increasing domestic offset use, lowering allowance prices
The original discussion draft of Waxman-Markey included a key provision that would have required domestic and…
Climate Bill Analysis, Part 2: Clean Energy R&D Investment May Be 30 Times Smaller than President Obama's Budget
[Updated 5/22/09: the ACES bill now includes a $10/ton price floor for auctioned pollution permits. The analysis below…
Climate Bill Analysis, Part 1: Waxman-Markey Gives Nearly 5 Times More to Polluters than Clean Energy
The landmark Waxman-Markey 2009 American Clean Energy and Security Act was introduced in the House this afternoon (May…
Cap and Trade Worked for Acid Rain, Why Not for Climate Change?
One of the most often-repeated assumptions in the climate policy debate is that cap and trade, the preferred mechanism…
The Green Bubble, Why Environmentalism Keeps Imploding
In this week's New Republic, Ted and Michael argue that the green bubble has popped -- and that's a good thing.…
How Fast Can a Big Economy Decarbonize?
Cross posted from Prometheus: The Science Policy Blog Remarkably, with all of the talk of targets and timetables for…
Is Joe Romm an Energy Challenge Denier?
Is it just me, or is ClimateProgress blogger Joseph Romm working hard to marginalize himself as he reinforces an…
Did the Senate Just Preemptively Kill Cap and Trade?
Cross posted from Prometheus: The Science Policy Blog The ability of Congressional legislation on cap and trade to…
An Open Letter to Joseph Romm
Joe,Your strategy, as usual, is to shoot the messenger rather than confront the facts. This is what you did when you…
Carl Pope Breaks With Traditional Climate Agenda
Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, said on a "Politics of Green" panel discussion this week in Denver…
Scrap Kyoto
Kyoto is dead - and that's a good thing. In its place, we need massive global investment in new clean energy…
Ozone Hole No Model for Climate
Andy Revkin blogs that Nobel laureate Dr. Steven Chu says that climate change is not like dealing with the ozone hole.…