Energy and Climate
Make clean energy cheap.
Access to affordable and reliable energy is absolutely essential for human development, but energy production takes a heavy toll on the environment. With demand for energy expected to grow for decades to come as developing nations emerge from poverty, substantial innovation into clean energy technologies will be necessary to achieve our ambitious goals for greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
Fukushima in Context
The Fukushima Disaster in Context: The final death toll from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan is expected be…
Decline in US Nuclear Power Would Increase Carbon Emissions
Phasing out the United States' entire nuclear power supply by 2030 would increase the country's carbon dioxide…
Nuclear Moratorium in Germany Could Cause Spike in CO2 Emissions
Carbon dioxide emissions in Germany may increase by 4 percent annually in response to a moratorium on seven of the…
The Long Death of Environmentalism
Last week Breakthrough cofounders Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus returned to Yale University for a…
Obama’s Breakthrough
With last night's State of the Union address, President Obama has shifted the debate from the partisan climate wars to…
SOTU: In the Face of Spending Cuts, Making the Case for Investment in Innovation
Tonight, President Obama is prepared to call for renewed federal investment in infrastructure, research, education, and…
Why Climate Science Divides Us But Energy Technology Unites Us
Thank you very much. We'd like to start by thanking William Ott for inviting us to give this colloquium, which is an…
Green Jobs for Janitors: How Neoliberals, Green Keynesians Wrecked Obama’s Promise of a Clean Energy
An abridged version of this article appears in the October 28, 2010 print edition of The New Republic (and online…
Why Energy Efficiency May Not Decrease Energy Consumption
Growing empirical evidence that energy efficient technologies may drive greater energy consumption, not less, demands a…