Energy and Climate
Make clean energy cheap.
Access to affordable and reliable energy is absolutely essential for human development, but energy production takes a heavy toll on the environment. With demand for energy expected to grow for decades to come as developing nations emerge from poverty, substantial innovation into clean energy technologies will be necessary to achieve our ambitious goals for greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
What is Joe Romm Complaining About?
Joe Romm has continued his hysterical, content-free attacks on me and my colleagues for suggesting a view not 100% the…
Maybe Horses Will Fly - Developing Countries and Global Warming
Last week, the New York Times reporter Andrew Revkin blogged about the World Bank's decision to finance a major new…
The Debate Gets Civil: Romm Apologizes For Unfair Attacks
A controversial commentaryin last week's Nature -- arguing that the IPCC greatly underestimated the emissions…
Romm vs. Expert Consensus on Energy Technology
The Center for American Progress's Joe Romm claims we don't need technology breakthroughs -- defined as disruptive or…
The Green Politics of Personal Destruction: Deconstructing Joe Romm
Last week, Roger Pielke Jr. and two co-authors published a landmark commentary in the science journal Nature suggesting…
Joe Romm’s Dissembling
Joe Romm is someone who I've never met, but he has taken on a somewhat odd obsession with attacking me over the…
Misinformation from Grist
The bloggers at Grist have taken strong issue with the Commentary in Nature that I co-authored with Tom Wigley and…
Joe Romm's Challenge
Joe Romm, a former political appointee [Update: Mr. Romm has asked that a fuller description of him be provided here,…
Al Gore Misrepresents the Emissions Challenge
AFP reported over the weekend that Al Gore wants to see more discussion of the challenge of reducing emissions of…