Energy and Climate
Make clean energy cheap.
Access to affordable and reliable energy is absolutely essential for human development, but energy production takes a heavy toll on the environment. With demand for energy expected to grow for decades to come as developing nations emerge from poverty, substantial innovation into clean energy technologies will be necessary to achieve our ambitious goals for greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
Gas Boom Poses Challenges for Renewables and Nuclear
The ongoing shale gas boom and the advent of low natural gas prices has pushed back the goal posts for clean energy…
Beyond Boom and Bust: Summary of Recommendations
The recent gains made by clean tech sectors in the United States are shadowed by the looming collapse of federal…
The Making of a Radiation Panic
One year after Fukushima, independent scientists working for the UN say bluntly that irrational fears of radiation…
Did the Media Hype Fukushima Health Impacts?
Was Japan really on the verge of evacuating Tokyo in the wake of last year's tsunami, as the New York Times reported…
Energy Efficiency, Rebound, and the Rise of the Rest
Quick quiz: If you improve the productivity of energy use at a steel plant in China, will that plant save energy, or…
Terry Engelder on Federal Role in Shale Gas Revolution
As a part of the Breakthrough Institute's in-depth investigation of shale gas extraction and the role of the federal…
New Air Pollution Rules Could Reduce US Electric-Sector CO2 Emissions By More Than 4 Percent
Updated: This post was originally published on January 1, 2012. It was updated on January 27, 2012 to reflect the…
New Investigation Finds Decades of Government Funding Behind Shale Revolution
The technological revolution allowing for the cheap extraction of natural gas from shale occurred thanks to more than…
History of the Shale Gas Revolution
The shale gas revolution, which has been the primary source of increased natural gas production since 2000, [1] is the…
Interview with Dan Steward, Former Mitchell Energy Vice President
Mitchell Energy's first horizontal well was subsidized by the federal government, according to former geologist and…