Meet the Team

Deputy Director
2019 Generation Fellow
2020 Generation Fellow
PhD student, Engineering & Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
Senior Natural Resource Analyst, Policy Analysis Group - University of Idaho
Global Energy Markets and Policy, Google
Managing Editor of the Journal
Associate Professor, Disaster and Emergency Management, York University
Climate and Energy Analyst
Conservation scientist
2020 Generation Fellow
Former Senior Climate and Energy Analyst
Postdoctoral Environmental Fellow, Harvard University
Energy for Growth Fellow
Deputy Director, Center for Strategic & International Studies
2020 Generation Fellow
2020 Generation Fellow
PhD student, UCSB Bren School
Energy Policy Analyst, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Government Engagement Lead, Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution at World Economic Forum
Consultant at National Economic Research Associates
2020 Generation Fellow
2019 Generation Fellow
2020 Generation Fellow
Senior UX Designer - Data Products, Salesforce
2019 Generation Fellow
2020 Generation Fellow
Master's Candidate, Sciences Po Paris and the University of Tokyo
Research Fellow, CSEA; 2019 Generation Fellow
Ph.D. Student
Food and Agriculture Analyst
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Nuclear Fuel and Waste Disposition, Office of Nuclear Energy, Department of Energy
Breakthrough Generation Fellow 2019; PhD Candidate
PhD student, Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley
Research Fellow, The Property and Environment Research Center
Researcher, Social Policy, Defence Research and Development Canada
Clean energy consultant
James B. Duke Fellow, Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke
PhD Candidate/Research Scientist, ETH Zurich


Cutting-edge policy research at one of the country's most intellectually challenging think tanks. Fellowship and friendships that last a lifetime.

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The Breakthrough Institute is an environmental research center based in Oakland, California. Our research focuses on identifying and promoting technological solutions to environmental and human development challenges in three areas: energy, conservation, and food and farming.

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